Dig deep into the file and find the flag.
#file hiddentation
#./patch.py hiddentation r 0x0 0x280
#./luks_parser.py hiddentation
#cp hiddentation hiddentation.copy
#./patch.py hiddentation.copy w 0x3 53
#./patch.py hiddentation.copy w 0x220 00ac71f3
#./patch.py hiddentation.copy w 0x248 00000708
#./patch.py hiddentation.copy r 0x0 0x280
#file hiddentation.copy
#cryptsetup luksDump hiddentation.copy
#while read password; do echo $password; echo -n $password | cryptsetup open --type luks hiddentation.copy volume --key-file - && break; done <<< "`curl --silent http://whnt.com/2014/01/22/the-25-most-common-passwords-of-2013/ | grep '. ' | awk '{print $2}'`"
#fdisk -l /dev/mapper/volume
#gparted /dev/mapper/volume
## offset = 86016 (First sector) * 512 bytes/sector = 44040192 #losetup --offset 44040192 /dev/loop1 /dev/mapper/volume
#mount /dev/loop1 /mnt
#cat /mnt/flag.txt
#testdisk /dev/loop1
#dd if=/dev/loop1 of=ntfs skip=69632 count=34816
#umount /dev/loop1
#losetup -d /dev/loop1
#losetup /dev/loop1 ntfs
#mount /dev/loop1 /mnt
#cat /mnt/readme.txt
#umount /dev/loop1
#losetup -d /dev/loop1
#ntfsundelete --scan ntfs
#ntfsundelete --undelete --match flag.txt ntfs
#cat flag.txt*
#./rot.py -m tracks APAq986942o809qnn32n6987n7422771n53s59r5n1s02rq700ppr43p5196non749r 2>&1 | grep -e '\[' -e 13