# cat blog >> /dev/brain 2> /proc/mind
cat blog >> /dev/brain 2> /proc/mind
# cat shamir_secret_sharing.py import random import sys secret = int(sys.argv[1]) components = int(sys.argv[2]) at_least = int(sys.argv[3]) def is_prime(number): return all(number % i for i in xrange(2, int(number ** 0.5) + 1)) def get_next_prime(number): next_number = number + 1 while not is_prime(next_number): next_number += 1 return next_number def egcd(a, b): if a == 0: return (b, 0, 1) else: g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a) return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y) def modinv(a, m): g, x, y = egcd(a, m) if g != 1: return None # modular inverse does not exist else: return x % m def split(prime, number, available, needed): coef = [number] shares = [] for i in xrange(1, needed): coef.append(random.randrange(0, prime)) for x in xrange(1, available + 1): # coef[0]x^0 + coef[1]x^1 + ... + coef[n]x^n accum = coef[0] for e in xrange(1, needed): accum += ((coef[e] * pow(x, e, prime)) % prime) accum = accum % prime shares.append((x, accum)) return coef, shares def get_random_shares(available, number, shares): newshares = [] selected = [] for i in xrange(0, number): r = random.randrange(0, available) while r in selected: r = random.randrange(0, available) selected.append(r) newshares.append(shares[r]) return newshares def merge(prime, shares): accum = 0 # Lagrange's interpolation for formula in xrange(0, len(shares)): numerator = denominator = 1 for count in xrange(0, len(shares)): if formula == count: continue startpos = shares[formula][0] nextpos = shares[count][0] numerator = (numerator * -1 * nextpos) % prime denominator = (denominator * (startpos - nextpos)) % prime value = shares[formula][1] accum = (prime + accum + (value * numerator * modinv(denominator, prime))) % prime return accum print 'Secret =', secret prime = get_next_prime(secret) print 'Prime =', prime coef, shares = split(prime, secret, components, at_least) print 'Coefficients =', coef print 'Subsecrets =', shares newshares = get_random_shares(components, at_least, shares) print 'Random subsecrets =', newshares secret = merge(prime, newshares) print 'Recovered secret =', secret # python shamir_secret_sharing.py 1337 7 3 Secret = 1337 Prime = 1361 Coefficients = [1337, 255, 752] Subsecrets = [(1, 983), (2, 772), (3, 704), (4, 779), (5, 997), (6, 1358), (7, 501)] Random subsecrets = [(6, 1358), (4, 779), (7, 501)] Recovered secret = 1337
cat shamir_secret_sharing.py
python shamir_secret_sharing.py 1337 7 3
# cat elgamal.py def egcd(a, b): if a == 0: return (b, 0, 1) else: g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a) return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y) def modinv(a, m): g, x, y = egcd(a, m) if g != 1: return None # modular inverse does not exist else: return x % m p = 467 # prime g = 2 # generator ru = 127 # random pu = g**ru % p # public m = 100 # message print '[+] Encryption' print print 'm =', m re = 140 # random pe = g**re % p # public c = (pu**re * m) % p # cipher print 'c =', c print print '[+] Decryption (c, p, g, pe)' print print 'c =', c # m = (c / (pe**r1)) % p m = (c * pe**(p - 1 - ru)) % p print 'm =', m print print '[+] Signature' print hm = m * 2 # 'hash' print 'h(m) =', hm rs = 213 # random ps = g**rs % p s = ((hm - (ru*ps)) * modinv(rs, p - 1)) % (p - 1) # sign print 's =', s print print '[+] Verification (hm, s, p, g, pu, ps)' print print 'h(m) =', hm print 's =', s v1 = g**hm % p v2 = (pu**ps * ps**s) % p if v1 == v2: print 'v1 = v2 =', v1, '- Signature is ok' # python elgamal.py [+] Encryption m = 100 c = 391 [+] Decryption (c, p, g, pe) c = 391 m = 100 [+] Signature h(m) = 200 s = 279 [+] Verification (hm, s, p, g, pu, ps) h(m) = 200 s = 279 v1 = v2 = 229 - Signature is ok
cat elgamal.py
python elgamal.py
# cat diffie-hellman.py import math # Zp* # |Z9*| = totien(9) = 9(1 - 1/3) = 6 # a 1 2 4 5 7 8 # ord(a) 1 6 3 6 3 2 # generators: 2 and 5 g = 2 # generator p = 9 # prime print '1. [Alice] and [ Bob ] agree to use g = %d and p = %d' % (g, p) print a = 15 # alice secret A = (g**a) % p print '2. [Alice] Generates a = %d and sends A = %d' % (a, A) print b = 7 # bob secret B = (g**b) % p print '3. [ Bob ] Generates b = %d and sends B = %d' % (b, B) print a_shared_secret = (B**a) % p print '4. [Alice] Computes the shared_secret = %d' % a_shared_secret print b_shared_secret = (A**b) % p print '5. [ Bob ] Computes the shared_secret = %d' % b_shared_secret print print '6. [Alice] and [ Bob ] now share the same secret' print print '-' * 50 + '\n' def brute_force(shared): for i in xrange(0, 100): if (g**i) % p == shared: print str(i), print ea = (math.log(A, g)) % p print '7. [ Eve ] Tries to find a, knowing (A, g and p)' print 'Logarithm >> a = %d' % ea print 'Brute force >>', brute_force(A) print eb = (math.log(B, g)) % p print '8. [ Eve ] Tries to find b, knowing (B, g and p)' print 'Logarithm >> b = %d' % eb print 'Brute force >>', brute_force(B) # python diffie-hellman.py 1. [Alice] and [ Bob ] agree to use g = 2 and p = 9 2. [Alice] Generates a = 15 and sends A = 8 3. [ Bob ] Generates b = 7 and sends B = 2 4. [Alice] Computes the shared_secret = 8 5. [ Bob ] Computes the shared_secret = 8 6. [Alice] and [ Bob ] now share the same secret -------------------------------------------------- 7. [ Eve ] Tries to find a, knowing (A, g and p) Logarithm >> a = 3 Brute force >> 3 9 15 21 27 33 39 45 51 57 63 69 75 81 87 93 99 8. [ Eve ] Tries to find b, knowing (B, g and p) Logarithm >> b = 1 Brute force >> 1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97
cat diffie-hellman.py
python diffie-hellman.py
# cat FermatPrimalityTest.go package main import "fmt" import "math/big" import "os" import "strconv" func add(x, y int) int { return x + y } func main() { prime, err1 := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1]) limit, err2 := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[2]) if err1 == nil && err2 == nil { for i := 1; i < limit; i++ { exp := new(big.Int).Exp(big.NewInt(int64(i)), big.NewInt(int64(prime)), nil) left := new(big.Int).Mod(exp, big.NewInt(int64(prime))) right := new(big.Int).Mod(big.NewInt(int64(i)), big.NewInt(int64(prime))) if left.Cmp(right) != 0 { fmt.Printf("%d != %d\n", left, right) fmt.Printf("Not prime!\n"); return } } } fmt.Printf("Prime!\n"); } # go build FermatPrimalityTest.go # ./FermatPrimalityTest 7 1000 Prime! # carmichael_number_1=561 # carmichael_number_2=41041 # ./FermatPrimalityTest $carmichael_number_1 1000 Prime! <-- False # ./FermatPrimalityTest $carmichael_number_2 1000 Prime! <-- False
cat FermatPrimalityTest.go
go build FermatPrimalityTest.go
./FermatPrimalityTest 7 1000
./FermatPrimalityTest $carmichael_number_1 1000
./FermatPrimalityTest $carmichael_number_2 1000