# Keyboard shortcuts


ctrl+p: History: previous command (arrow_up).
ctrl+n: History: next command (arrow_down).
ctrl+d: Signal end-of-file (EOF). Close the window, exit program.
ctrl+c: Abort current command/typing.
ctrl+w: Erase word to the left.
alt+d: Erase word to the right.
ctrl+u: Erase line to the left.
ctrl+k: Erase line to the right.
ctrl+y: Yank/Paste previously erased string.
alt+b: Move one word to the left.
alt+f: Move one word to the right.
ctrl+a: Move to beginning of line.
ctrl+e: Move to end of line.
ctrl+r: History: reverse search.
ctrl+z: Stop execution of the current job.
tab: Autocomplete command/file name.
shift+ins: Paste contents of clipboard at cursor.
shift+page_up: Scroll window up.
shift+page_down: Scroll window down.


arrow_up: History: previous command.
arrow_down: History: next command.
ctrl+c: Abort current command/typing.
ctrl+home: Erase line to the left.
ctrl+end: Erase line to the right.
ctrl+arrow_left: Move one word to the left.
ctrl+arrow_right: Move one word to the right.
home: Move to beginning of line.
end: Move to end of line.
F8: History: reverse search.
tab: Autocomplete file name.


x: Delete char to the right of cursor.
dw: Delete word to the right of cursor.
db: Delete word to the left of cursor.
0: Go to start of line.
$: Go to end of line.
1G: Go to start of document.
$G: Go to end of document.
b: Go to previous word.
w: Go to next word.
k: Go to previous line (arrow-up).
j: Go to next line (arrow-down).
{: Go to previous paragraph.
}: Go to next paragraph.
/: Search.
N: Go to previous search result.
n: Go to next search result.
:%s/yin/yang/g: Search and replace.

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