# hackyou 2k14: PPC - Play with me (200 points)

# cat game.py

from sys import argv, exit
from re import sub
from netlib import sc

def nextpos(r, c):
        if c < C - 1:
                c += 1
        elif r < R - 1:
                r += 1
                c = 0
                r += 1
        return r, c

def strike(board, row, column, solution, figures):
        b = board
        s = solution
        f = figures
        strike = False

        i = column
        left = [0, 0, 0]
        while left[2] == 0 and 0 < i <= column:
                i -= 1
                left[0] = row
                left[1] = i
                left[2] = b[row][i]

        i = column
        right = [0, 0, 0]
        while right[2] == 0 and column <= i < C - 1:
                i += 1
                right[0] = row
                right[1] = i
                right[2] = b[row][i]

        i = row
        up = [0, 0, 0]
        while up[2] == 0 and 0 < i <= row:
                i -= 1
                up[0] = i
                up[1] = column
                up[2] = b[i][column]

        i = row
        down = [0, 0, 0]
        while down[2] == 0 and row <= i < R - 1:
                i += 1
                down[0] = i
                down[1] = column
                down[2] = b[i][column]

        if left[2] != 0 and (left[2] == up[2] or left[2] == right[2] or left[2] == down[2]):
                b[left[0]][left[1]] = 0
                f -= 1
                strike = True

        if up[2] != 0 and (up[2] == right[2] or up[2] == down[2] or up[2] == left[2]):
                b[up[0]][up[1]] = 0
                f -= 1
                strike = True

        if right[2] != 0 and (right[2] == down[2] or right[2] == left[2] or right[2] == up[2]):
                b[right[0]][right[1]] = 0
                f -= 1
                strike = True

        if down[2] != 0 and (down[2] == left[2] or down[2] == up[2] or down[2] == right[2]):
                b[down[0]][down[1]] = 0
                f -= 1
                strike = True

        if strike:
                s.append((row, column))
                game(b, 0, 0, s, f)

def send(solution, board):
        global sc
        s = ''
        for coordinate in solution:
                s += '(' + str(coordinate[0]) + ',' + str(coordinate[1]) + ');'
        print s
        if sc.send(s + '\n') == False:
        data = sc.recv(buffsize, timeout)
        print data

def game(board, row, column, solution, figures):
        while row < R:
                #is solution
                if figures == 0:
                        send(solution, board);
                #is not a solution
                elif board[row][column] == 0:
                        strike(board, row, column, solution, figures)
                row, column  = nextpos(row, column)

def count(board):
        f = 0
        for r in board:
                for c in r:
                        if c != 0:
                                f += 1
        return f

buffsize = 4096
max_retries = 2
pause = 0.5
timeout = 2

ip = argv[1]
port = argv[2]

C = 10
R = 20
solution = []

sc = sc(ip, port, 'tcp')
if sc.connect(max_retries, pause):
        sc.recv(buffsize, timeout)
        data = sc.recv(buffsize, timeout)
        print data
        data = data[28:-15].split('\n')
        board = []
        for line in data:
                line = line[3:]
                line = sub(r"1b5b306d|1b5b|6d30", "", line.encode('hex'))
                line = sub(r"20", "0,", line)
                line = sub(r"3331", "1,", line)
                line = sub(r"3332", "2,", line)
                line = sub(r"3333", "3,", line)
                line = sub(r"3334", "4,", line)
                line = sub(r"3336", "6,", line)
                line = sub(r"3337", "7,", line)
                line = [ int(char) for char in line[:-1].split(',')]
        game(board, 0, 0, solution, count(board))
# ./game.py hackyou2014tasks.ctf.su 9876
 0|   00 00
 1|  0 000
 2|0   0 0 0
 3|   00 00 0
 4|000   000
 5|     00000
 6| 0    000
 7|0 000   0
 8|0 00 0 00
 9|0 0  0 0 0
10|00 0 0 0
11|00000   0
12|0  0 0 0
13| 0  0000
14| 0 00 0  0
15| 0 00000
16|  0 0 0 0
17| 00 0 00 0
18|0 0    000
19|000  00  0

You win!

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