# cat regexbaby_034fa13e17660024b26b6f570aa6b66bba446e2f837c052f012225190387bafa.txt
# ipython
> import re
> data = open('regexbaby_034fa13e17660024b26b6f570aa6b66bba446e2f837c052f012225190387bafa.txt').read()
> def check(regex):
... print len(regex)
... print re.findall(regex, data)
# "from "Drivin" until the end of phrase, without using any letter, single quotes or wildcards, and capturing "Drivin'" in a group, and "blue." in another", with max. "16" chars:
> check('(.{7}).+-(.{5})$')
# "(BONUS) What's the name of the big american television channel (current days) that matchs with this regex: .(.)\1", with max. "x" chars:
# "FLY until... Fly", without wildcards or the word "fly" and using backreference", with max. "14" chars:
# "<knowing the truth. >, without using "line break"", with max. "8" chars:
> check('<[^>]+>')
# "All "Open's", without using that word or [Ope-], and no more than one point", with max. "11" chars:
> check('(?i)(oPEn)')
# "the follow words: "unfolds", "within" (just one time), "makes", "inclines" and "shows" (just one time), without using hyphen, a sequence of letters (two or more) or the words itself", with max. "38" chars:
> check('(?:\s\S{2}d|t)\s([^F]\w{3,7}[n!s])\s')
# "Chips" and "code.", and it is only allowed the letter "c" (insensitive)", with max. "15" chars:
> check(' .{32} (.{5})\n')
# Type the regex that capture: "the only word that repeat itself in the same word, using a group called "a" (and use it!), and the group expression must have a maximum of 3 chars, without using wildcards, plus signal, the word itself or letters different than [Pa]", with max. "16" chars:
> check('(?P<a>..a)(?P=a)')
# cat baby_regex.py
# python baby_regex.py
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